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Contact Us

3rd Floor, Monaco Towers II,
11 Dr. Roy's Drive, George Town
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Mailing Address:
PO Box 10189
Grand Cayman KY1-1002

This Table is maintained and published by the ICT Office as a service to licensees and the general public. It has no legal standing, but rather summarises information contained in individual licences and the iconnectiv database (definitely iconnectiv). Whilst the ICT Office will use its best endeavours to keep this Table up-to-date, it provides no guarantee and strongly recommends that users refer to the individual licences prior to making any decisions.

NXX Company Service Notes
345-222 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-232 Infinity Broadband Fixed N/A
345-233 Infinity Broadband Fixed N/A
345-244 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed Government Central Office Codes
345-266 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-321 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-322 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-323 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-324 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile N/A
345-325 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-326 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM Post Paid N/A
345-327 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM Pre Paid N/A
345-328 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-329 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-333 Infinity Broadband Fixed N/A
345-420 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-421 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-422 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-423 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-424 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-444 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-516 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-517 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-525 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-526 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-527 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-546 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-547 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-548 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-549 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-550 Digicel Cayman Limited Mobile - GSM N/A
345-623 Digicel Cayman Limited Fixed N/A
345-638 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) 345-638 *7873 and *4638 used for Interent Service
345-640 Digicel Cayman Limited Fixed N/A
345-649 Digicel Cayman Limited Fixed N/A
345-730 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed Cable and Wireless internal use only
345-743 WestTel Limited Fixed N/A
345-745 WestTel Limited Fixed N/A
345-746 WestTel Limited Fixed N/A
345-747 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-749 WestTel Limited Fixed N/A
345-766 WestTel Limited Fixed N/A
345-767 Reserved Blocked Reserved in connection with LNP
345-768 WestTel Limited Fixed N/A
345-769 WestTel Limited Fixed N/A
345-777 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-800 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed National only
345-814 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed Direct Inward Dial
345-815 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed Direct Inward Dial
345-825 WestTel Limited Mobile N/A
345-826 WestTel Limited Mobile N/A
345-848 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-849 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-888 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-914 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed Direct Inward Dial
345-916 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Post Pd. TDMA N/A
345-917 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. TDMA N/A
345-919 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile Temp. Location Directory Number
345-922 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. N/A
345-923 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. N/A
345-924 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Post Pd. GSM N/A
345-925 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Post Pd. GSM N/A
345-926 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Post Pd. TDMA N/A
345-927 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. TDMA N/A
345-928 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. TDMA N/A
345-929 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. GSM N/A
345-930 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile N/A
345-936 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Post Pd. N/A
345-937 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Post Pd. N/A
345-938 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. TDMA N/A
345-939 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile - Pre Pd. GSM N/A
345-940 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-943 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-945 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-946 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-947 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-948 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed Little Cayman and Cayman Brac Paging
345-949 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Fixed N/A
345-976 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Premium *4638 (INET) Internet Access Open
345-990 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Mobile N/A
345-995 Cable and Wireless (C.I.) Ltd (T/A FLOW) Non- Dialable National (Stop Line) Allocation
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